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Father Andrew Windschitl
Pastor of Holy Cross / St. Mary's Parish
Elkhart, Iowa

"Jason has a great deal of knowledge regarding Rome, particularly its history and significance to the Church.  And as important as it is to have facts and the Truth on our side, I thoroughly appreciate his genuine interest in these subjects, including his devotion to our Lord.  He certainly exhibits the proper Christian balance of fides et ratio that bolsters our Catholic Tradition and that will be invaluable to anyone travelling with him."

Faye Akers  
Director of Evangelization and Formation
St. Boniface Parish, Waukee, Iowa 

"Jason is passionate about both Roman history and Catholic history and is able to make the topics come alive for adult audiences. His use of personal stories and relevant bits of information about the Saints of the Church make his sessions relaxed, fun and engaging. His mastery of Theology and Scripture helps participants better understand how faith and reason connect. Jason is a gifted teacher who helps others better understand the call to live the Gospel!"

Jerry Murphy  
Member of St. Francis Parish
West Des Moines, Iowa 

"For the past 12 years I've had the pleasure of working with and building a friendship with Jason Collins.  I have personally experienced Jason's love for our Catholic faith and his dedication to understanding the history of the Church Jesus founded.  Not only does Jason have a scholarly understanding of the history of the Catholic Church and the Roman Empire through his degree in Theology from Creighton University. Jason has walked the streets of Rome and traveled through Italy on the same paths as Saints and Martyrs. He's lead small groups of pilgrims to experience first hand the wonders of our Catholic heritage in Rome and Italy.  My wife and I are looking forward to our opportunity to join Jason on a journey of discovery.  I know you'll be thrilled to let Jason be your guide as well."

Doug and Mary Kay Moore
Members of St. Francis Parish
West Des Moines, Iowa 

"Jason accompanied us on our first trip to Italy and it deeply enriched our experience.  He has an amazing wealth of knowledge and passion for theology and Roman history, which so beautifully intersect in this country, most especially Rome.  We would have missed out on many fascinating details and intriguing aspects of the sites without Jason’s insights."   

Brian and Jennie Bailey
Members of St. Francis Parish
West Des Moines, Iowa 

"In  May of 2011, my husband and I took a trip to Italy with two other couples who we were friends with, and fellow parishioners of our church.  In the week that we were there, we toured Florence, Assisi, and Rome.


Though some of us had been to Italy before, having Jason with us on this trip proved to be very advantageous in our understanding of political and military events in ancient Rome. At the Forum, Jason pointed out key ruins that were vital to Roman life of the time and put it all into an easy to understand talk and discussion. At every venue, Jason’s knowledge of Catholic History and Roman History was evident.  He freely shared his knowledge and we had a great time!  


This trip was so memorable in so many ways, and though we took the trip as a get-away, it turned out to be an education as well!"  

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